Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What is Microeconomics

In Incentives, Commitments, and Habit Formation in Exercise: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Workers at a Fortune-500 Company study a wellness incentive program implemented at a large corporate headquarters office. Three groups of employees were given different types of financial incentives to visit the on-site fitness center, and their gym-going behavior was monitored for many months afterward. The incentives were that a set of employees received $10 per gym visit over 1 month. After the month was over then they were offered a 2 month contract to continue going with a little bit of a twist, to see the effect of it. How does a commitment contract work? The employee puts down a certain amount of money, they get to choose the amount. If they don't stick to their commitment, they lose the money. They need to be able to go to the gym every 2 weeks over the next 2 months. It is all about risk vs commitment. How much do you really want this, do you want to see personal growth in yourself, are you doing it just so you don't lose the money, it is all in your hands the way you decide to play it. Why would anyone want to take up this offer, the best possible result is breaking even? This was made to differentiate between your long-term preferences vs the short-term preferences. You may set a schedule saying I'm going Monday and Friday every week. You go Monday and you feel great after going and are excited to continue on Friday. You make it to Friday and you make plans with your friends instead of having your gym time. It was a long week so you want to have a good time. You should be able to reward yourself after a long week but do you think that you would feel even better and have a better time out if you went to the gym beforehand. With having this contract, say you know you haven't been to the gym in 13 days and you need to go tomorrow or you lose your money. That might push people to get to the gym, not just for the money but that specific trip could make them want to keep going back in the long run. So the best-case scenario for a commitment contract is not just breaking even: its changing behavior in a positive way. About 1 out of every 8 employees offered a chance to create a commitment contract decided to do it (Royer, Stehr, & Sydnor, 2015). Below are the results of the commitment contract subjects. It was shown that there was a spark in the gym visits more for the group who signed the contracts than when they were offered the $10 per visit. With the contract you are putting your own money on the line. You have something to lose if you don't hold up your end of the bargain. In the long run it is not about the money, it is about your lifestyle and goals. You have things you want to achieve and sometimes you just need a little nudge to get you going. After the 2 month commitment ended, it was wanted to be known the long term effects of the subjects. It was shown that they had noticeably more frequent gym visits on average. Main Hypothesis:Does linking incentives to fitness really help you get to the gym more?Why is it that after the free trial period ends that most of the memberships decline? Why do people not continue on? See no results? Have no incentives?Commitment devices (Fitbit/ Apple Watch) may be the best way to achieve long-term changes New Year's resolutions for most seem to be about Eating healthier, go to the gym more, and cut out sugar, most of health/Fitness related. Get statistics on the New Year's resolutions. How may are making this there resolution and how many actually keep this resolution. 45% of people said that there 2018 resolution was to lose weight/get in shape Fitbit (27.4 million users) and My Fitness Pal (19.1 million users) are 2 of the most used fitness trackers in 2018 Only 8% of people keep their resolutions. People tend to over set goals. When they are too big to reach, you tend to fail. You also don't want to under set your goals because you may be able to reach them too easily and not get the results out of them that you had really hoped. If you fail at your goal, that doesn't mean you should give up. You just have to reevaluate the goal. You want to get back out there achieve your goals. Ex. You said you wanted to go to the gym 4 days a week, but that was too much with your schedule, you shouldn't quit all together just go 2 days a week instead. Sources: Concepts: Everything is in the incentives, put it all out there.54864132751300Supply describes the total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers (Something needed or wanted) available to someone. (Market driven)People want a membership, they want to achieve their fitness goals, and they want to be a better version of themselvesDemand consumer's desire and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or service.Cost of membership may increase as more member sign up In the study- they had to put up their own money, they were able to risk for their goals45720036575900 Cost – (of an object or an action) require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done. The money they had to put up, their time, their energy, their commitment Benefit -an advantage or profit gained from something. Better body, feel good about themselves, achieved goalsBottom line w.aspConcluding thoughts Reading articles, writing this essay has got me thinking about my fitness goals and lifestyle. I own a Fitbit and I do enjoy it but I need to get back to using it for all of its features and feeling proud of what I have accomplished in a day. You need to be persistent and have goals. You can't just decide one day to start working out. You need a plan and be physically and mentally ready to conquer the task you set up for yourself. You need an incentive first, that is what gets your foot in the door, and then you continue going because you want to better yourself. Once you start the drive to better body helps keep going back.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

American Literature in the 19th Century Essay

Much has been said about America being the â€Å"Land of Opportunity† throughout history. From Columbus, to Walt Whitman, to present times, American society and its values differed quite a bit from American society and its values today. As these values have changed, so have the opportunities that present themselves within society, such as the ability to write about certain issues or topics. This means that the topics of literature have changed drastically along with the times as well. Much of the time, these issues and topics covered in pieces of American Literature are controversial: slavery, racism, ethnocentrism, women’s rights, and the qualities needed to obtain the opportunities America provides for people. That is why in order to be considered American Literature, the piece must characterize or define American values, morals, ideals, or standards in some way, whether it is to represent them or to oppose them. To Crevecoeur, who was not an American by birthright, but a visitor who considered America his home, America is the embodiment of opportunity. Crevecoeur marks America as a place where oppressed people are able to come and pursue their own freedoms, self-interests, and independence. It is a place where any hard working man can earn economic stability for his family; a place of humility and new ideas. Crevecoeur explains through his character, Farmer James, that an American farmer possesses, â€Å"freedom of action, freedom of thoughts, ruled by a mode of government which requires but little from us†. He speaks of â€Å"national pride† when realizing there are no aristocratical families, no invisible power giving to a few a very visible one. The rich and the poor are not so far removed from each other as they are in Europe. And finally, Crevecoeur claims that Americans are â€Å"All animated with the spirit of an industry which is unferrered and unrestrained,† which means that as long as the people of the nation work hard, they will be able to achieve whatever they wish. These are the reasons why America is the â€Å"melting pot† it is today, because people during Crevecoeur’s time period that came from other countries viewed America as an escape to all their oppression and problems. This was the American dream or ideal: through industriousness, you could provide a better life for your family in America. Since Crevecoeur believed he could have freedom of thought and action in America, he was also more sympathetic to the rights of African-Americans, who were being used as slaves during the time, and Native Americans. Crevecoeur found slavery to be a terrible institution, speaking out on behalf of the enslaved African-Americans by saying, â€Å"Forced from their native country, cruelly treated? They are neither soothed by the hopes that their slavery will ever terminate? mildness of their treatment? † Crevecoeur also asserts through Farmer James, â€Å"Though our erroneous prejudices and opinions once induced us to look upon them as fit only for slavery? With us they are now free? they are in general become a new set of beings,† showing his general consideration for the African-Americans. As for Crevecoeur’s standpoint on Native Americans, Farmer James makes the observation that, â€Å"they are as stout and well made as the Europeans? they are in many instances superior to us†. Obviously, Crevecoeur held the belief that the African-American and Native American populations could provide contributions to society and should not looked down upon as inferior â€Å"savages† by the white man. Rather, the white man should be willing to set good examples through gentleness to make them socially acceptable. To Crevecoeur, a country could never truly flourish with an imprudent system such as slavery in place, which was quite a progressive stance for the time. It took a lot of courage to speak out for what he believed in, because it went against mainstream America’s majority belief of superiority over the slaves and the Natives. While minority cultures were fighting for equal rights amongst the whites, females were also fighting for equal rights amongst the men. Female writers and activists such as Judith Sergeant Murray openly protested the typical female virtues set for women of the 19th Century, and before, by society. She did not want to be submissive and obedient. She wanted females to vote, to own property, and to have a life outside the household. In her Letters on the Equality of Sexes, she outwardly condemns these â€Å"virtues†, and she addresses the fact that men shun a woman for having dreams of equal opportunities. Then, she vents about the undeniably constant battle between women and men, because their lives and work are only valued at half that of men. â€Å"Though sensibility, soft compassion, and gentle commiseration are inmates in the female bosom, yet against every deep laid art, altogether fearless of the vent, we will set them array; for assuredly the wreath of victory will encircle the spotless brow†. What makes texts on the equality of the sexes so special is that they have felt the direct effects of oppression based on the white male patriarchal society set before them, and they are attempting to use their experience as modes for change in that society so others will not have to suffer as they have. Even before certain issues such as equal rights for women and racism were brought up in American, the land obviously had to be explored. The stories of exploration are a great place to begin looking at how this great country developed. They give us a good sense of the type of land and people of the time when our country was just getting started. These types of writing help us develop a definition of American Literature because they were some of the first documented texts and they give us a good foundation of details about the cultures back then. A major role of Early American Literature would be that it gives us a clearer sense of the life and culture of the time it was written in or about. The exploration stories of Columbus are able to do that for us as readers. Columbus’ story is a good starting description of America because it gives the readers of his letters an idea of what the land itself was like. He used his words to paint a positive image of the new land and was convincing people back home that their money was well spent on the exploration. Although this work doesn’t exactly define any American morals or values, it is necessary to literature because it is the first good taste we get of what America was like. Columbus used his work to more or less â€Å"sell† the New World to anyone who would read about it. He described the people and the culture there as delightful and entertaining. The works of Columbus go along with the definition of American Literature because it gave readers a good feel of what the â€Å"land of opportunity† had to offer them. Determination is a vital characteristic one must have when getting on their feet in the land of opportunity. Without determination, a man might as well not even try to make a like for himself and his family. In John Smith’s Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, that is exemplified. John Smith and the voyagers that traveled along with him experience plenty of hardship during their trek. Within the first ten days of their trip, many people were sick due to lack of a healthy diet and sufficient lodging. During this time, Captain Smith often left himself shortchanged to benefit the health of his crew. One day, while Smith was attempting to make trades, he was shot in the leg by some savages and taken hostage. At this point is when the text takes a turn to define values of America. Smith remains determined to make the best of the situation and stays totally polite and collected towards the savages. After spending time as a hostage, they developed a great deal of respect for Smith and personally escorted him back through their village to his camp. From this time on, every other week or so, Pocahontas would bring the settlers of Jamestown enough provisions so that they could lead a healthy life and continue to flourish. I consider this particular text a good example of American Literature because it shows characteristics that were necessary to live during the early development of America. The works of Paine and Jefferson are a great summary of the overall view of what America is as an idea and an ideal. They describe characteristics of true American men and women. Throughout their texts, they reiterate many of the visions of Crevecoeur. America is described as a vision of a place where people could come and be free to start a life of their choice. The pursuit of happiness and success were key points mentioned as well. When an outsider of America came to our country, they came to learn and embody things such as practicality, progressiveness, tolerance, self reliance and education for all. All of these things were mentioned again and again throughout the pieces of Paine and Jefferson, which makes them a great example of impact literature. The beauty of American Literature is also the hardest part of coming to a distinct, tangible definition of what it is. The freedom of speech and expression through American Literature is so broad, as are what American values, morals, and standards are exactly, that American Literature can be in the form of travel or slave narratives, speeches, poetry, letters, autobiographies, myths, etc. However, it is evident that in any of these genres of literature, they constantly contain American values, morals, ideals, and standards. And in order to progressively move into the future, there must be literature to stand by or and oppose these American values, morals, ideals, and standards, just as the great American authors of the past have.

Peak Garage Door Swot Analysis

Case 2: Yorktown Technologies Group 7 I. Problem definition: Trying to find a marketing and distribution strategy that would help the company reach its revenue goals. II. SWOT Analysis: 1-Strengths: †¢ The company raised additional capital to fund its business operations and had more than three dozen different investors †¢ The firm will be launching the first commercially available biotech animal in the U. S †¢ Yorktown Technologies grabbed the attention of the media and the news of the upcoming Glo fish launch was on the front pages of many famous magazines †¢ $ 4 million out of $ 700 million was spent on Yorktown Technologies products by consumers. †¢ Yorktown technologies’ suppliers and distributors have been regular suppliers of tropical fish to the 3 major retail chains †¢ The company was given exclusive rights to lines of red, green, yellow and orange fluorescent zebra fish which provided the company with an effective barrier to entry against potential competitors 2-Weaknesses: Generated more than $ 120,000 loss in 2004 †¢ There is no enough money to support a national advertising campaign †¢ Not being able to sell the Glofish in California which is an important market with high population †¢ High demand on limited supply †¢ Some countries are still not convinced with the safety of the GloFish 3-Opportunities: †¢ California is a very important market that has a population of 33 million who are willing to buy innovative products †¢ International markets where the fish can be sold mainly Asia †¢ Zebra fish are known to be very popular ornamental fish with more than 200 million sold in the U. S alone †¢ Two dozen regional wholesalers located throughout the country distribute freshwater ornamental fish to an estimated 5000 retail establishments for sale to consumers †¢ Total sales of pet stores are increasing at an annual rate of 7% †¢ Consumer market for freshwater ornamental fish and related products in U. S exceeds $700 million annually and is growing at a rate of 9% a year 4-Threats: †¢ The blanket regulation that the California Fish and Game Commission passed and that prohibited the possession of genetically modified fish in California †¢ Number of pet stores in U. S is declining at annual rate of 2% †¢ The anti-biotechnology groups that are trying to stop or disrupt the launching of Yorktown Technologies by spreading misinformation about the safety of the fish †¢ The ethical and environmental questions regarding the sale of the genetically modified fish †¢ The strong competition in Asia especially Taiwan where genetically modified fish is being sold and rumors say that some of them are being introduced in the U. S III-Alternative courses of action: 1-Alternative one: Opening a Glofish Kiosk in a shopping mall Advantages |Disadvantages | |Shopping mall kiosks have enjoyed explosive growth in |High renting cost per year | |terms of revenue and numbers |Customers might get confused with the availability of | |Offering GloFish branded tanks and supplies |different products | |These outlets sells variety of products |Small space | -Alternative two: Possibility of marketing the Glofish product line through the internet directly to con sumers Advantages |Disadvantages | |no rent costs |Availability of numerous dot com firms that marketed | |no operating costs other than delivery |tropical fish to consumers | |ability to offer and show customers the variety of |Competitive prices | |products available for GloFish |Delivery cost is high | 3-Alternative three: Selling the fish through international markets |Advantages |Disadvantages | |Increased sales |must consider foreign regulations that would apply to | |High market share |the genetically modified fish | |High brand awareness by consumer due to the expansion |cannot market the product in all countries | | |high competition with similar products and prices | IV-Recommended course of action: My suggestion is to go with the first recommendation that states to open kiosks in shopping malls Reason of choice: Due to the fact that malls are explosively growing in numbers and revenue and this would be a great benefit for Yorktown Technologies. V-Recommendations: a-What should be done? Showing people the value Glofish add b-Who should do it? Middle management (marketing and distribution department) and the sales team that is in contact with the customers – When should it be done? As soon as all people are aware that the following fish are harmless and the regulations allow their sale. d- How should it be done? -displaying then fish in a way that will show their true color and glow which will be the first thing that will attract the customers -offering competitive prices and promotions -always reminding people that they are not a threat e- How much it will cost? Rent is high which is between $12,000 and $36,000 per year and operating costs

Monday, July 29, 2019

What are the advantages and disadvantages of opening labour markets on Essay - 1

What are the advantages and disadvantages of opening labour markets on a global scale - Essay Example Significantly, leaders of any state dictate its position on global scale, both in politics and in the economy, relative to their knowledge and skills in exploiting opportunities and having the ability to identify threats (Weihrich 1999). Typically, these two aspects can either boost a state’s strategy or completely act as the main hindrance to its success based on how the political and economic leaders approach the strengths and weaknesses of the matter. Globalization has many facets that any country must address once they decide on participating on an international level; moreover, among the most complex areas are the labor market and employment. These areas require a certain level of understanding and experience for a state to engage or flourish. In the past, there have been more complaints than compliments from people and heads of state that have had the chance to participate in the globalization of labor due to the multiple threats and situations of disempowerment because of the harsh working conditions, poor pay and job insecurity (Edward 2014). Decisively, history and experience clearly depicts that opening labor markets on a global scale has its ups and downs with most developing states and transnational companies arguing that without vast knowledge and skills, it mostly disadvantageous. Appreciably, the possibility of setting up markets on global scale has technology advancements among others as its core facilitators; however, keeping up with these advancements is a challenge itself for most companies and states so most of them focus on global patterns of migration. Obviously, focusing on only one does not guarantee full results but most of the flourishing parties agree that the best approach is mobilizing or the necessary resources and knowledge of the global market to counter the adverse challenges and eventually exercise greater power.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Female Body and Conflict Between the Sexes in L'Atalante by Jean Vigo Essay

Female Body and Conflict Between the Sexes in L'Atalante by Jean Vigo and Les Enfants du Paradis by Marcel Carne - Essay Example The movie plot turns around the life of Juliette and her husband Jena. After marriage Juliette accompanies Jean on his ship; but she is bored of the monotonous life of sailing in the sea. The newly-weds during their travel on the waterways of France halts at Paris. Juliette tries to break free from the monotony by venturing into the nightlife of the city; actually a street peddler in a music club of Paris lures her. She is enamored with vibrant city and her desire to taste the intoxicating pleasures of Paris nightlife angers Jean and he sets sail without her. But grief and a desire for meeting his wife put Jean in a state of depression. Juliette is lost in the world of prostitutes, thieves and beggars; she frantically searches for her husband and the barge. Pere Jules, an aged second mate of the ship makes honest effort to find Juliette and succeeds in happy reunion of the couple. Jean Vigo’s French film is also known as ‘Le chaland qui passà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (The Passing Barge). From the plot it is quite evident that is based on the universal conflict of sexes. Jean feels that Juliette has no right to independent pleasures. The female body of Juliette is his object of desire. The passionate film-maker’s direction and the cast’s riveting performances have made this movie feature in the list of some of the best movies made worldwide. It has the elements of drama, romance, and fun; it is greatly sexual in flavor. The cinematic technique that Jean uses in his movie is visual fantasy alike his feature film titled Zero de Conduite (Zero for Conduct). For this we need to say that Jean Vigo’s camera direction and arrangements could create stunning visual compositions. He conveyed his messages through images; if words were used it was to add fun and humor, so that a comic effect is generated in the movie. The opening sequence of the film shows the couple’s shift from the church aisle to the cargo

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Right-to-Work Law Affects Labor Relations Term Paper

How Right-to-Work Law Affects Labor Relations - Term Paper Example The right to work law affects the process of collective bargaining between the labor class and the management not only in the private sector but also in the public sector. It is through the process of collective bargaining that the labors and the management meet for negotiating a contract which covers the terms and condition of employment. Both the labor and the management agree to all the requirements present in the contract before its implementation. It is then that the labors vote on whether or not they agree to the contract that covers their working conditions, wages, benefits and several other issues. Many laborers and the employers at this point also agree to add the â€Å"union security clause† which states that all the labors having rights to the collective bargaining process must also agree to pay their part of cost in the union representation (Plumer). There are many proponents of the right to work law that agree to the fact that it imposes a positive impact on the l abor-management relationship. Right to work law allows labors to gain some benefits from the organization such as receiving union services or enjoying free rides, which also leads the businesses to gain employee satisfaction and build a sense of loyalty in them for the firm. There is evidence present about the fact that right to work law accelerates the economic activity of the state, it lowers the ratio of employment in the state and help businesses to create new and attractive jobs. When the economy of a state prospers the productivity.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The history of jazz in America before the 1900s Research Paper

The history of jazz in America before the 1900s - Research Paper Example Consequently, jazz is in many ways a symbol for the American idea of democracy3. The cortex of jazz comprises of numerous layers, varying from hard and soft, in that it is complex in structure and hard to take apart. However, the history appears displaced and the styles contradictory because one experiences a puzzling series of shifts in place, person and style. Those who mostly dominated in the music include important but actually unrelated figures in New York, Negroes in New Orleans and white musicians in Chicago. Although there is a disastrous split in jazz launched by the swing era and increased during the days of bebop with the alleged progressive jazz, upon looking and listening closely there is appearance of both order and continuity4. Therefore, jazz is a new genre of music with distinct rhythmic and melodic character, one that regularly involves improvisation of a minor type in changing tune’s phrases and accents but of a major sort in creating music ex- temporaneousl y, instantly. Consequently, there is alteration of melody or underlying chords in the course of creating jazz. In addition, according to a standard scheme the rhythmic valuations of notes may be syncopated or not, lengthened or shortened, or there may be no steady pattern of rhythmic variations provided a steady beat remains understood or clear. The beat which serves as a solid rhythmic base for the improvisation of soloists or groups playing eight or twelve measures, or some multiple or dividend thereof is mainly four quarter-notes to the bar5. The History of Jazz in America Before 1900 In British North America, almost 240,000 about 20 percent of the... The American people value and respect the development of jazz as a form of music. This is because they consider it as a form of expressing their national and cultural identity. This form of music has its roots in the early slaves from America. The main reason of referring to jazz as improvisional music is that it draws its musical and rhythmic styles strongly upon the ragtime, blues, gospel and other African-American styles. Jazz originated from New Orleans amongst the black population as the bequest of slave trade that mainly found the city the first port of call . The development of jazz in America was rather a slow process but ultimately growing in to the current famous jazz music. It has its roots from the African slaves taken from their homes to America. These slaves had a rich diversity in African Folk songs that they highly appreciated. Unfortunately, when they arrived in America, they were under very strict laws and regulations. Their masters did not allow them to practice an y other culture other than that of slaves. They did not allow these Africans to explore their music diversity. As they suffered in the hands of their masters, these slaves turned to music as a form of relief. This music developed for a long time and eventually became the popular jazz music. During the eighteenth and nineteenth century, the American people considered jazz as an important form of music. This is because it became a way of expression and national identity

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bicycle Helmet Safety Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bicycle Helmet Safety - Research Paper Example Zhu (2011) further noted that 90 percent of kids of between 3-5 years did own a bicycle but only 20 percent of them possessed a helmet. Head helmets are vital in preventing head injuries in children that may even result to severe brain damage. By recommending use of helmets in cycling, we provide care for our children and care is one of the many aspects of the nursing practice. This research paper seeks to establish how helmet wearing in children reduces the number of bicycle related injuries. In this section articles to be used were selected. The researcher rephrased the research question as â€Å"Amongst the children of ages 4 to 16 years, how is use of helmets in cycling compared to non-use effective in preventing cycling related accidents?† Through the use of the Google Scholar search Engine, the researcher was able to obtain eight scholarly articles perceived important for the study. Through use of appropriate exclusion criteria, the researcher was able to reduce the number of the articles to four. The exclusion criteria were based on the relevance of the article to the study as well as the date of publication of the article. The four articles selected were less than eight years old and very detailed on the matter under investigation. They were therefore considered admissible fur use in the study. This section provides a summary and analysis of the purposes of the four scholarly articles. The study by Quirke (2009) was aimed at assessing self –wearing helmet practice in young children of ages of 8-13 years. Seeginli (2014) sought to assess the rate of helmet wearing and the different factors associated with helmet wearing amongst children of ages 8 to 16 years. On the other hand, Georgia Health Science University (2012) sought to determine how educating kids on the use of helmets increases

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Response to The Economist articles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Response to The Economist articles - Assignment Example For instance, the author says; â€Å"†¦.the massacre at Charlie Hebdo brings to mind, the reaction was a divisive backlash against Islam that helped launch Mr Wilders’s career†. It has presented very good evidence with regard to the issue of religious intolerance especially against the Muslims. The author has supported his argument by citing and giving very good examples from the past where politicians have been in the middle of fueling the issue of religious intolerance. In a globalised world, this article is important as it clearly shows the clear fault lines that divide societies based on their religious persuasion. The article also provides some important factors that may explain the modern terrorism. This is a socio-cultural article and tries to look at some cultural as well as social issues that hinder women from taking up PhD courses. The article seeks to investigate and answer the question of inequality and marginalization in the education sector, especially at PhD level with regard to women and other marginalized groups. The article looks at women as a marginalized group and also looks at African Americans. The authors conclude that the reason why women are few in PhD programs is not because they are marginalized, but because they may be genetically evolved differently from men. As they say, â€Å"It may be unpalatable to some, but the idea that males and females have evolved cognitive differences over the course of many millions of years, because of the different interests of the sexes, is plausible†. However, the authors dispute the argument that different races have evolved differently thus making some races more intelligent than the others. The article uses data r epresented in graph format to indicate how women and African American PhD admissions have improved in the last few years. Their argument is that there is no marginalization against women but that social factors such as

Answer question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Answer question - Essay Example The teachings by Moishe the Beadle are similar to Buber’s Hasidic teachings. Moishe teaches that there are a thousand and one ways that lead to the orchard of truth and each man has to find his own way to get there (Wiesel, 2006). Buber shares the same views as he argues that all men can access God, but each through his own way (Buber, 1958). During his various experiences, Wiesel was once in a situation where they had to celebrate the Day of Atonement by fasting. Wiesel went against traditional believes of fasting both as a symbol of rebellion against God’s silence as well as a necessary means of keeping up strength in the face of adversity and torture. Buber explains that in Hasidism, one can serve through learning, prayer, fasting or through eating (Buber, 1958). Accordingly, one should choose depending on what they view as right and avoid imitating others. On entering Auschwitz, Wiesel and his group of prisoners were greeted by a young pole with Hasidic inclination. He argues that by driving despair and through camaraderie, they will be able to overcome their hardship. Hasidism according to Buber shares a similar view as he argues that while the world is an irradiation of the Divine, it is described by independence of existence and striving and that man is to affirm the world and transform both him and the world at large to the image that God would approve. The notable difference between Buber and Wiesel accounts is the latter’s conclusion that man and man alone is the master of the universe. Buber argues that a divine spark exists in all men and that it can either be perverted or liberated and re-joined with the Origin (God) (Buber, 1958). Personally, I do not agree with Wiesel conclusion that we live in a world without God and that man alone is the master of nature and of the world. I however sympathize with

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Consider the extent to which the theory of exchange rates explain the Essay

Consider the extent to which the theory of exchange rates explain the performance of the US$ in recent years - Essay Example Historically, the most common fixed exchange rate used to be gold standard, until 1850s where, one ounce of gold was taken as worth $20 (U.S dollars) and 4 pounds of sterling, leading to an exchange rate of $5 of every pound. On the other hand, an exchange rate is said to be flexible, variable or floating when two or more countries come into agreement of letting the international market forces govern the rate through the forces of demand and supply. In this case, the rate would vary with a country’s imports and exports. According to Marazzi, Mario & Sheets (2007) majority of the trade economies such as US, Europe, Japan and China takes place with variable and flexible exchange rates that vary within comparatively fixed limits. Therefore, there is a strong relationship between the US dollar rate of exchange and all the major foreign currencies with an exception of those from the developing countries. It should be taken into account that with respect to the US stock market, this correlation is equilibrium with all parties being significant to its sustenance. The key reason for this causal relationship is that every investor view U.S Dollar as a negative beta which should always be falling in value whenever there is an upsurge of the value of stock market and should be increasing in value whenever there is a decrease in value of the stock market. ... Bilateral rates provide the comparison of the rate of exchange of currency of a country with that of another currency of a different country. For instance, one sterling pound can exchange for $1.50. On the other hand, multilateral exchange rate is the worth of a currency compared to more than one currency, unlike bilateral rates that give the comparison of only two countries or nations’ currency. Economists and market analysts determine multi-lateral rates to decipher averagely what is taking place in the exchange rate arena. This is got through the adoption of an index that denotes variations in one currency as compared to a pool of other currencies. In the past few years, the US exchange rate has constantly made the US dollar to fall rapidly against other well-known currencies such as euro-zone currencies with the lowest limit being recorded in 2008. Exchange Rate Policy The exchange rate based on any country’s economy impacts either negatively or positively the aggre gate demand via its effects on imports, exports and the extent at which policy makers can exploit this correlation. Besides, Exchange Rates can be operated as a form of monetary policy for guiding the balance of trade of many nations. In ideal situation, rates should always be held down to stimulate and scale up exports with a view of lessening inflationary pressure rocking a country’s economy. While the Bank of America does not particularly target the exchange rate, the MPC would always focus on the trend of exchange rates. In essence, during times of inflation pressure, the MPC would prefer a comparatively elevated rate given that this would lessen the price of import commodities and services and also will always help in absorbing the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Case Study Situation Go Fast Essay Example for Free

Case Study Situation Go Fast Essay Situation Go Fast is a motorcycle manufacturer in the southern United States. Though sales have been steady, profits have declined because of increasing operational costs. The Board of Directors felt a fresh look at the operations side was needed. They developed a 5-year plan to increase operating efficiency and set out to find someone to lead the effort. Four months ago, GO FAST found what they saw as â€Å"the person† to be the new operations director and develop a new operational plan to reduce costs. Jill Jones had an outstanding reputation as operations director for a manufacturer of a closely related product. While she was located in a different state and was happy with her current job and lifestyle, she found the 5-year plan exciting. Besides, the offer was too tempting to refuse. Jill was offered the position, including a substantial increase in salary and benefits. She accepted the job, sold her home, and purchased a home near her new job. Her husband runs an in-home business and her children had adapted well to the new community and schools. She did not have a written contract, but was promised a great future with GO FAST and was given a salary of $90,000 per year. With the economic downturn, sales for this past year were the lowest in five years. The company needs to make drastic cost reductions or it could face bankruptcy. All senior managers agreed to a 25% pay cut. Several other high-paid positions will be eliminated. Among them is Jill Jones’ operations director position. Published by DECA Related Materials. Copyright  © by DECA Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced for resale without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. YOUR CHALLENGE The CFO has been asked by the board of directors to investigate GO FAST’S obligation to Jill Jones. You have been assigned the task of doing research. The board of directors assumes their agreement with Mrs. Jones is â€Å"terminable-at-will† based on the law in the state, and therefore GO FAST has no obligation to her. You will prepare recommendations to be presented to the chief financial officer (CFO). Since the decision is ultimately up to the CFO, your presentation should include, at a minimum: 1. How you expect Jill would react to the board’s hard-line approach. 2. Possible ways to deal with Mrs. Jones’ situation, including the positives and negatives of each. 3. Of these, you are to advise the CFO on the best course of action, and how to present it to Jill. While the financial challenges of the company are not a secret, Jill does not yet know that her position has been targeted for elimination. Your presentation to the CFO will begin in one hour. As part of your research you have pulled a copy of The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, as well as cases related to this issue (see reference information provided). The information in THIS section is the result of research done specifically for this case situation, and has been given to you to help you prepare your recommendations within the allotted time. The judges will also receive this information, in addition to the Case Study Situation and Your Challenge as presented. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The following information provides background related to this situation. State Employment Law Under state law, employment generally is considered to be at will, terminable by either party at any time. This means that an employer may terminate an employee with or without just cause, in the absence of an agreement limiting the employee’s discharge to just cause or specifying the term of the employment. Even where an employer makes assurances seeming to mean job permanence, such assurances are generally considered mere statements of policy indicating only at-will employment. However, state courts have also held that employee personnel manual provisions, if they meet the requirements for formation of a unilateral contract, may become enforceable as part of a contract of employment. An agreement which includes a promise from one party but not from the other is called a unilateral contract. A unilateral contract is, for example, where an employer promises to pay a certain wage if an employee does a certain task for a certain period of time. The employee’s performance of that task for that time makes him or her entitled to the promised wages. The promise of employment on particular terms of unspecified duration, if presented in the form of an offer and accepted by the employee, will create a binding unilateral contract. These types of actions are referred to as â€Å"promissory estoppel† actions and they provide an exception to the employment-at-will doctrine. In order to constitute a contract, the employer’s personnel policy as set out in the personnel policy handbook must be more than a general statement of policy and must provide reasonably definite terms for a fact finder to interpret and apply in determining whether there has been a breach of the contract arising from that handbook. General statements of policy by an employer do not meet the contractual requirements of an offer. Employees frequently couple claims that certain oral representations constitute an enforceable agreement with assertions that certain actions by the employer create an implied contract to terminate only for good cause. For example, employees often contend that an employer has established a custom and practice such that employees are permitted to continue employment until retirement unless discharged for good and sufficient cause. Such an allegation does not meet the requirement of a definite offer. Similarly, an employer’s commendations and approval of the employee’s performance do not alter the employee’s at-will status. Severance pay is not required by legislation. Where it is provided by an employer or labor agreement, it must not be administrated in a discriminatory manner. Where it is provided, severance pay is considered wages in this state. The method of payment of severance pay may delay the employee’s eligibility for unemployment compensation benefits. Promissory Estoppel The state Supreme Court recognized that, despite the absence of a contract in fact, courts may imply the existence of a contract in law by utilizing the principle of promissory estoppel. The doctrine of promissory estoppel is applicable when: 1. A promise has been made; 2. The promissory reasonably expected to induce action of a definite and substantial character by the promise; 3. The promise in fact induces such action; 4. The circumstances require the enforcement of the promise in order to avoid injustice. An estoppel may arise from a promise of future performance. The doctrine of promissory estoppel is based in a promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action of forbearance of a definite and substantial character on the part of the promise and which induces such action or forbearance and is binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise. Under the theory of promissory estoppel, liability on a contract may ensue even if the detriment incurred by one party is not bargained for where it can be shown that the promisor should reasonably have expected its promise to induce another’s detrimental action. The impairment-of-contract clause in the state’s constitution applies to an implied-in-law obligation created by promissory estoppel. The effect of promissory estoppel is to imply a contract in law where none exists in fact. When a promise is enforced pursuant to the doctrine of promissory estoppel, the remedy granted for the breach may be limited as justice requires; relief may be limited to damages measured by the promise’s reliance. RELATED CASE PRECEDENTS INFORMATION The following information is designed to provide samples of cases that may influence decisions made related to the case situation. The participants must decide what, if any, relevance these Related Case Precedents have on this Case Study Situation. Grouse v. Plan, Inc. (1981) The doctrine of promissory estoppel was applied by the court to grant damages to a pharmacist who accepted a job offer, resigned his current job and declined another job offer in reliance on this offer, but was â€Å"terminated† from his new job before he even had a chance to start it. Plan Inc knew that to accept its offer Grouse would have to resign his employment. Grouse promptly gave notice and informed Plan Inc that he had done so when specifically asked by them. Under these circumstances it would be unjust not to hold Plan Inc to its promise. Gorham v. Optical (1995) Former employee was entitled to reliance damages based on theory of promissory estoppel, where he quit his previous job and declined any renegotiations with previous employer in reliance on promise of new job, and on his first day of employment went through hostile reinterview process that led to his immediate termination. Lewis v. Assurance Society (1986) A promise of employment on particular terms of unspecified duration, if presented in form of an offer and accepted by employee, will create a binding unilateral contract. Pine River v. Mettille (1983) Generally speaking, promise of employment on particular terms of unspecified duration, if in form of an offer, and if accepted by employee, may create binding unilateral contract; offer must be definite in form and must be communicated to the offeree. Goodkind v. University (1988) Whether a proposal by employer is meant to be an offer for a unilateral contract is determined by the outward manifestations of the parties, not by their subjective intentions, and employer’s general statements of policy do not meet the contractual requirements for an offer. Gunderson v. Professionals, Inc. (2001) To overcome the presumption that employment is at will, an employee typically must establish clear and unequivocal language by the employer evidencing an intent to provide job security. General statements about job security, company policy, or an employer’s desire to retain an employee indefinitely are insufficient to overcome the presumption that employment is at will. Spanier v. Bank (1993) Terminated employee failed to show any evidence of offer for long-term employment in definite form so as to be entitled to recover for employer’s breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing as result of his termination, where employee’s claims were based on subjective belief and his own inferences that employer’s commitment to commercial lending business would provide him job security and employer’s statements about developing this new area of business did not constitute long-term employment offer.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Swot Analysis Student Looking At Strengths And Weakness Education Essay

Swot Analysis Student Looking At Strengths And Weakness Education Essay To work hard in achieving my goal. When I was first time learned using the internet it was very difficult but I never gave-up until I learned how to get right information from it . Interesting and still growing more from last few years in IT. Begin when I first use internet, fascinated me how this works and how this information is managed. This make me more attractive towards the IT field specially in ISM. I want to be the master in the ISM having the broader knowledge of the subject. Wants to pursue PHD in the concern area after successfully completing my masters. Apply the same and wants to see the results what I learn. To keep very result oriented I always do practically what I have learned. Ability to adjust in surrounding environment very easily. Learn from surroundings very quickly to adopt the environment. Very good internet Knowledge. Using the internet from some many years furnish lot of knowledge. Very punctual. I am very strict for time and never be lazy for the work which I want to take. WEAKNESSES Totally get upset and very tense while working. The work I am doing if something from it I cannot understand made me very irritating and frustrated. Very reserved personality. Mostly I dont like to approach others without any concern. Hard to recall things quickly. Busy with the work make me very absent to other things. Hard to focus on different issues on one time. Putting concentration on one thing made me more difficult to concentrate on others things at a time. OPPORTUNITIES Repeat the work number of times until i understand very clearly. Help me to be knowledgeable of what I do. Explore the environment in which the research have to done, Making known to surrounding so that it can help me to get the knowledge that I need. Find the effective source for research, Make efforts to get the best material for the research. Apply the knowledge which I get from the source and which I have. To know how much I am knowledgeable I apply the same on the research which I am going to take. THREATS Feel very uncomfortable someone discourages me and find it very difficult to cope up with. Feel very nervous to ask again if not get right kind of response from my senior peers. No clear vision what I have to do in the given environment make me lazy. Availability of limited sources for work very discouragious. EXERCISE 2 ARTICLE Characterizing knowledge management in the small business environment. Journal of Knowledge Management. Vol 8(3), 44-61.Done by Wong, K Y and Aspinwall, E. (2004). Analysis and briefly evaluation The research done by Mr. Wong. K Y and Aspinwall. E on Knowledge Management (KM) for small business is improved method, as the Wong. K Y and Aspinwall. E (2004) on page 44, in the article, revealed that this paper redress some of the unique feature imbalance in the literature by putting KM into the context of small businesses. It looks at their characteristics, their advantages and disadvantages strengths and weaknesses and their key problems and issues, all associated with KM approach for small businesses. This research concludes at the final with recommendations that will provide important insights to help in accomplish the quality in business. The research done by the Wong. K Y and Aspinwall. E. (2004) furnishes the full details step by step of the KM for small business as:- KM is all about, How it can be implemented, What are its advantages and disadvantages, Its strengths and weaknesses. This help the researchers to get better conclusion by suggesting new definition of KM for small businesses which defined as The management of knowledge-related processes or activities, based on realistic resource in order to create competence, value and continual success for the organization.( Wong, K Y and Aspinwall, E. (2004). Journal of Knowledge Management. Vol 8(3), 44-61.) The purpose of this research is very clear, the in-depth approach by the researchers furnishes clear picture of KM for small businesses. The brief details provided by the ( Wong, K Y and Aspinwall, E. (2004). Journal of Knowledge Management. Vol 8(3), 44-61.) as mentioned on page 46, in the article states that, As an integrative concept, KM is perceived to have the potential to enable organization to face the complexities and changes enveloping them in the knowledge-based economy. The reasons why small businesses need KM can be traced back to a pull and push perspective. The pull deals with the former identities the potential benefits or improvements, which are crucial for small businesses while push deals with the external or environmental thrusts that push them to the forefront of KM, this shows that how much the KM is significant for the small businesses. The information furnishes by the researchers if utilized by the owner in small businesses can overcome the burden or lack in knowledge sharing between employer and the employees and can help to achieve goal on time. The tremendous effort lay down by the researchers gives clear picture regarding the originality of the research provide all the details which is quite understandable from the beginning, This help to assess the right kind of KM for the small businesses. The method adopt by the researchers in this article is qualitative because the knowledge provided by the researchers regarding KM for small business is easily understand by the reader. The sources are well-grounded ,rich descriptions and explanations of processes in identifiable local contexts. The data is in chronological flow, see precisely which events led to which consequences, and derive fruitful explanations. The in-depth research done by the Mr. Wong, K Y and Aspinwall, E(2004) is very excellent, it furnishes up-to date information as:- What should KM means for small businesses, How it can assess, How it can be implemented, Its advantages, disadvantages, Its strengths, weaknesses. The overall quality of the research meet up-to that mark where if the lower level managers of the small businesses put forward the implementation of KM can put the businesses in very competitive level in the market to achieve its goals. The context of the research is excellent as all the text properly provided with references which is very easily assessable for the new researchers. EXERCISE 4 Literature Review:- The process of reading, analyzing, evaluating and summarizing scholarly materials about a specific topic. The result of a literature review may be complied in a report or they may serve as part of a research article, thesis, or grant proposal. Arlene Fink{ conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the internet to paper, 3rd edition., (sage publications, 2009)}. Internet Technology:- Internet technology covers a broad range of technology used for web development , web production, design, networking and e-commerce. The field also covers internet programming, website maintenance , internet architect and web masters. It helps the students to get the right kind of knowledge for the concern subject without wasting the time in finding the books from the library. Available at:- ( [Accessed 16 September 2010] A(1) Data communication equipment:- In network computing DCE is an industry standard software technology for setting up and managing computing and data exchange in a system of distributed networks. It is used to find relevant material for the subject by the students from the online resources available on the blackboard. Available at: (,,sid7gc121190600.html). Accessed 16 September 2010] B(2)Peer to peer System:- This help the students to interact with their senior peer and able them to learn new knowledge and experience. This enable them to learn from new source of knowledge, which help them to prepare for the future challenges. Virtual learning environment:- A Virtual learning environment is a course information management system that takes a numbers of web-based services and places them together on a single site, with a single interface, accessed through a web browser. Students and lecturers need only learn a single set of on screen controls in order to use discussion boards, electronic mails lists, access course materials and announcements, or upload share files. Nicole Kipar. (2003) What is the Blackboard VLE and how can I use it in my teaching, Google [online] Available at: Accessed 16 September 2010] B(1) Student Support:- Help them to manage their time more effectively. It also help them to develop a wider range of analytical and writing skills by using new resources, if assessments are adapted to make good use of these. Nicole Kipar. (2003) What is the Blackboard VLE and how can I use it in my teaching Google [online].Available at: Accessed 16 September 2010] B(2) Collaboration:- To attain goals that cannot be achieved by one single student alone like in projects, which need group work or team work. The collaboration includes the following components:- Jointly developing and agreeing on a set of common goals and directions. Sharing responsibility for obtaining those goals. Working together to achieve those goals, using expertise and resources of each others. Bruner, C (1991). Thinking collaboratively: Ten question and answers to help policy maker improve childrens services. Washington, DC Education and Human Service Consortium. Available at: ( [ Accessed 18 September 2010] Communication:- It may be defined as the sharing ideas or exchange of information or feelings. It provide very important path by which students influence one another. This help the student to develop the boarder sense for the course he/she is going through. This is one of the important tool for the student express their thoughts and feeling with each other. Available at: ( Accessed 16 September 2010] It may also be defined as exchange and flow of information and ideas from person to person; It involves sender transmitting the ideas, information or feeling to a receiver. (U.S Army, 1983) Available at: ( Accessed 16 September 2010] C(1) Connectivity:- Help the student to exchange the knowledge by electronic means which help them to understand the context of the subject very clearly and able them to remain in contact with each other. In the context of computer science, refers to the use of computer networks to link computers to one another, and provide information resource between computer systems and their final users. Available at: ( Accessed 16 September 2010] The ability to exchange information by electronic means. (Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005) [Accessed 16 September 2010] C(2) Flexible learning:- It enable the student to learn what they want, how they want, and when they want. An approach which enable student to adopt a wide range of learning strategies in a variety of resource available. Available at: ( [Accessed 16 September 2010] E-Learning:- It uses electronic delivery methods such as internet-based learning delivery packages, such as , CD ROM, online video conferencing, websites or email to manage the relationship between teachers and students which enable students to be self reliable for the course. Available at: ( [Accessed 17 September 2010] D(1) Content solution:- Everything that is included in a collection for the student to make them satisfy for the course context and which help them in understanding the course content very clearly and quickly, enable them to become masters in their courses. Available at:- ( [Accessed 16 September 2010] D(2) Delivery Mechanism:- The procedure or means for delivering the content of the subject to the student in a very effective manner so that it can easily accessible to the students from any were in the world. Houghton, Miffli. (2000) The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,4Th ed USA: Houghton Mifflin Company. [ Accessed 16 September 2010] EXERCISE 5 Reflective Report Micheal, in Knowledge and competence describes profession: The profession are a group of occupations the boundary of which is ill-defined. While the most powerful of law and medicine are commonly perceived as ideal type, few others even approach their degree of influence. Public-sector professions with significantly less power such as teachers, and nurses where described by Etzioni (1969) as a semi-professions. (Micheal, Eraut,1994, p.1) The first day when I entered into the University I have no idea about the ways of teaching. I am totally unfamiliar with the ways of doing study here. When I first attend my class I totally get confused and dont know what is going on, as the time passes after attending two of three classes I get familiar to what is going in the class, all credit goes to my module tutor who really deliver the quality teaching. The Module (Effective Research and Professional Practice) I have attend lay down the foundation stone for me to the entire course. This course gives me the opportunity to learn how would be the professional toward the study. The first exercise is SWOT analysis that provide me opportunity to express my Strengths, weakness, opportunity and Threats, which can help my tutor to have view of my capability for the studies so that he/she can deliver the quality teaching in order to have the better understanding towards the concern subject. The best part of the SWOT analysis is that I can express what I want from the course that I am going to take what would be my future plans. The second exercise helping me to develop the analytical skills. The article is about the characterizing the knowledge management in the small business environment, the questioner on this article helping me to develop the ability of reading, writing, and leaning skills more effectively. It also help me to have the broader look, how research can be taking place what area would be taking into the consideration while researching. How to apply proper methodology for the research that it is very important the way this article is written down help me to develop it, because the way I am going to approach to my studies is very important especially in my project. I enjoyed doing this exercise because I like reading but up to some specific limit I dont like to be book worm. The third, fourth and fifth exercise provide the pathway how to make a mind map, that is new thing for me, while working on the exercises I slow and steadily get familiar what is mind map all about how I can made it and have use of it. The exercises help me to learn right kind of professionalism for my studies that is totally far away from me. One part in this exercise is literature review which is mind teasing for me but after done this exercise I have learn how to develop the logical ideas. This assignment help me to lays down the basic foundation block for my studies in analytically and professionally that would help me throughout my career, The best part of this exercise for me to learn so many new things that I have never come across in my life, like mind map that help me to familiar very quickly and easily with the exercises.

A Report On Romeo Juliet English Language Essay

A Report On Romeo Juliet English Language Essay What methods does Shakespeare use to show the characters feelings and thoughts in Act 3, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet? Explain the scenes importance and consider how different audiences might respond. Shakespeare wrote the play, ‘Romeo Juliet more than 500 years ago and he used many techniques to make it interesting. Using techniques in a play is really important because it makes the play effective and also makes the reader understand the play better. Shakespeare uses a variety of techniques to show the characters feelings in Act 3, Scene 5 of ‘Romeo Juliet. For example, Shakespeare uses insults, antitheses, list, ambiguous statements and many more. In Act 3, Scene 5, Lord Capulet wants Juliet to marry Paris as he is lovely and honourable person. Previously, he was extremely happy as his only daughter is going to get married. But when she says, ‘No then the mood of Lord Capulets changes drastically, therefore his mood goes from happy to angry, soft to harsh and weak to strong. Furthermore, Shakespeare uses many techniques to express Lord Capulets anger with Juliet. One of the techniques that Lord Capulet says to Juliet is insults. This is when in Act 3, Scene 5 he says, â€Å"Out, you green-sickness carrion! Out, you baggage! You tallow-face! † By saying this he implies that Juliet is a burden and a disease to him. Here Lord Capulet is being extremely rude by humiliating his only own daughter like this. Lord Capulets daughter, Juliet, is the most important character in this scene as it is primarily based on her. Shakespeare shows Juliets emotions by using statements with double meaning (ambiguous statements). For example, when Juliet says, â€Å"Delay this marriage for a month, a week,† Lady Capulet thinks that she is too young and needs some time. But what she actually means is that she needs some time to think about what she is going to do, to be able to be with Romeo. Juliets mum, Lady Capulet is antagonised by Juliets reply because she said â€Å"No† which was reply that nobody has imagined. This is clear when Juliet asks Lady Capulet for help but she replies, â€Å"Talk to me not for Ill not speak a word†. This is just like saying, â€Å"Talk to my hand, not to my face†. This clearly shows how rude, arrogant and abusive Lady Capulet is. The Nurse, on the other hand, is really worried about Juliet because she is already married and her parents are forcing her to marry Paris. When the Nurse says, â€Å"I think it best you married the county. O, Hes a lovely gentleman!†, she uses vocative because she is really apprehensive about Juliet getting married to Paris, as she is already married to Romeo. In this text an exclamation mark is used and punctuation is really important when writing a play as the reader can know how characters can say their dialogues. For example, â€Å"Hang thee, young baggage! disobedient wretch!† Here Shakespeare uses a comma, to show there is a pause in the dialogue. Also, he uses exclamation marks, which tells the reader that Lord Capulet says the dialogue in a harsh way. Moreover, it also depends on the audience how they will interpret and react to the dialogue. For example, when Lord Capulet say â€Å"hang, thee, beg, starve, die in the streets.† There is a techniques used her which is list. Also, if there were modern audiences then they would interpret this as Lord Capulet being very harsh on his daughter but on the other hand the Shakespeare audiences will interpret as Lord Capulet doing the right thing and considering that Juliet is the one who is wrong because in those times there were more arrange marriages than love marriages. Lord Capulet also tries to gather sympathy from the modern and Shakespeare audiences. For example, when Capulet says, â€Å"Day, night, hour, tide, time, work, play, alone, in company.† He is saying that he has looked after and cared for Juliet for every bit of his life. Also, this text from the play is a technique, which is called list. Capulet says this so he can gather sympathy from the audiences. He will get sympathy from the Shakespeare audience because in Shakespearean time the father chooses the groom for the bride. On the other hand, the modern audience will sympathise with Juliet because they think that a women have the right to choose her groom. After all she is the one who is going to be married and spend her life with her husband. In conclusion, using techniques in a play is really important for a play, as it gives the play a new layout. Also, Shakespeare puts the characters thoughts and feelings in their speech. He builds up dramatic tension between characters which conveys their emotions and therefore portrays their relationship.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sonnet 138 Essay -- Literary Analysis, Shakespeare

Truth and honesty are key elements to a good, healthy relationship. However, in Shakespeare's Sonnet 138, the key to a healthy relationship between the speaker and the Dark Lady is keeping up the lies they have constructed for one another. Through wordplay Shakespeare creates different levels of meaning, in doing this, he shows the nature of truth and flattery in relationships. Shakespeare's Sonnet 138 is one of his sonnets about the Dark Lady. Dark both in appearance, and in her actions, she is once again the subject of the sonnet. The speaker is the lover of the Dark Lady. Whether the speaker is married to her or not is not completely clear. Based on lines regarding age â€Å"...she knows my days are past the best† (6), it seems that they have been together for a long time, but not necessarily married. The sonnet doesn't sound like the speaker is talking to anyone, but rather musing to himself. When reading aloud, the sonnet sounds like it could a soliloquy, simply the speakers saying his thoughts out loud to himself. The first quatrain In this sonnet the speaker starts to reveal more about the relationship between him and the Dark Lady, and also his fear of growing old. He starts the sonnet by saying â€Å"When my love swears she is made of truth/ I do believe her, though I know she lies† (1-2). In these first two lines the speaker contradicts himself right away by saying that he believes her, but knows she is not telling the truth. He is very aware of the delusion he is in, but he is willing to let it pass. He is willing to let it pass because of the mutual dishonesty that exists in the relationship. In the next two lines, he talks about youth, and age. He is talking about the Dark Lady considering him a younger ma... ...anings of the word. The ironic part about it, the only reason they lie together, in the sexual meaning of the word, is because they are lying to each other. Without the lie, their relationship would fall apart. There are a number of words used twice throughout the sonnet. The words â€Å"truth†, â€Å"lies†, â€Å"love†, â€Å"best†, â€Å"wherefore†, â€Å"think†, and â€Å"know† are all used twice. The fact that they are all used twice helps to emphasize the duality of their relationship. There are two sides to these people, and this relationship has two faces as well. All of these words can be used to describe the relationship between the speaker and the Dark Lady. More specifically, all the words can be understood multiple ways. They both know the truth about the other, but aren't willing to accept their own truths. They lie to each other while they lie with each other, and others.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Mass Extinction Essay -- K-T Extinction

ABSTRACT Several mass extinctions have occurred during the Earth’s history. The Cretaceous – Tertiary Boundary (K-T) Extinction caused the loss of at least three-quarters of all species known at that time including the dinosaurs. The cause of this mass extinction is a controversial subject among scientists but the fossil evidence of it’s occurrence is abundant. INTRODUCTION The K-T Extinction occurred 65 million years ago. Many species perished in that extinction. Today evidence for this extinction can be seen in the fossil record. Biological, botanical and geological evidence at the Cretaceous – Tertiary Boundary show that some enormous event occurred that caused mass extinction of life on the Earth. Controversy about the cause of the K-T extinction exists with two main theories currently being in favour. One theory is called Intrinsic Gradualism and believes the cause of the K-T Extinction was a slow and gradual Earth generated event, caused by intense volcanic activity and the effect of plate tectonics. The second theory is known as Extrinsic Catastrophism and proposes that the K-T Extinction was caused by a sudden and violent catastrophic event such as the Earth being struck by a meteor or asteroid. The K-T Extinction supports the concept of Punctuated Equilibrium in evolution because surviving species evolved and others were exterminated. Th is creates the stepladder effect of evolution seen in the fossil record . THE K-T EXTINCTION The Cretaceous period occurred between 144 and 65 million years ago. The K-T Extinction is an event that happened at the end of this period 65 million years ago. By the beginning of the Tertiary period eighty-five percent of all species disappeared, making it the second largest mass extinction event in geological history (â€Å"The End-Cretaceous (K-T) Extinction†, accessed 2000). Among the species that perished were the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, belemnoids, many species of plants, except ferns and seed-producing plants, ammonoids, marine reptiles and rudist bivalves. Severely affected organisms included planktic foraminifera, calcareous nannnoplankton, diatoms, dinoflagellates, brachiopods, mollusca, echinoids and fish. Mammals, birds, turtles, crocodiles, lizards, snakes and amphibians fared much better and were mostly unaffected by the End-Cretaceous mass extinction (â€Å"The End-cretaceous (K-T) Extinction†, accessed 2000... ...pdated 1995, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), Dino Buzz – What killed The Dinosaurs ? – Current Arguments, Lowood, H. 1998 (updated 7 Sept 1999, accessed 30 June 2000), Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts, Stephen Jay Gould, http: // Smith, P.L. 1997a (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), Biological Evidence, Smith, P.L. 1997b (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), The Marine Realm, Smith, P.L. 1997c (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), The Terrestrial Realm, Smith, P.L. 1997d (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), Geological Evidence, â€Å"Speculated Causes of the End-Cretaceous Extinction† (accessed 3 Sept. 2000), â€Å"The End-Cretaceous (K-T) Extinction† (accessed 3 Sept. 2000),

Thursday, July 18, 2019

History of Management Thought †Elton Mayo Essay

This essay covers the life and key contributions of Elton Mayo, a renowned figure in management science, and how his theories have made a significant impact in management today. BIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE ELTON MAYO George Elton Mayo was born in Adelaide, Australia on 26th December 1880. Under heavy family influence, Mayo embarked on a course in medicine. However, he failed an examination which ended his chances of having a medical career. He went on to study philosophy and psychology at The University of Adelaide and graduated in 1911. Following his graduation, he lectured at The University of Queensland from 1911 to 1923. In 1912, Mayo married Dorothea McConnel, a daughter of a respectable Australian family. They had two daughters, Patricia and Gael (Witzel 2005). During World War I, Mayo treated shell-shocked soldiers, families and acquaintances through which he gained invaluable insights. This became the foundation of his approach to the analysis of problems in modern industries (Smith 1974). In 1923, Mayo became a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Commerce and Finance where he examined the physical and psychological factors which caused high employee turnover at the Continental Mills (Merrill 1960). Mayo was also significantly involved in the research relating to The Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company from 1924 to 1932. This study formed the basis of Mayo’s views on industrial settings as a social system (Pugh & Hickson 2007). Mayo died in Guildford, Surrey on 1st September 1949. MAYO’S KEY WORKS AND THEORIES Mayo’s works and theories have made significant contributions to the evolution of management in organizations. One of Mayo’s key theories was derived from the research undertaken at the Continental Mills. He concluded that the central problem underlying the high turnover rate of employees in the spinning department was due to â€Å"pessimistic reveries†. According to Mayo, the term pessimistic reveries, is the state of mind in which negative thoughts and distractions dominate the minds of individuals, interfering with their work performance (Mayo 1947). It is caused by exhaustion and monotony in work routines. This led to Mayo’s theory of implementing rest periods to ease employees’ fatigue which would dismiss these pessimistic reveries (Mayo 1924). Another key point Mayo brought up from his studies at the Hawthorne plant was the significance of work groups in creating employees’ contentment (Smith 1974). According to Mayo, there is a tendency for groups to establish their own culture and build on their own ideologies, thereby influencing the way individuals behave at work (Tillett, Kempner & Wills 1970). An intimate environment created from these informal work groups provides a sense of belonging within individuals. This resulting recognition leads to higher productivity within organizations (Roethlisberger 1949). Mayo also emphasized on the need to work towards effective human collaboration to re-establish the diminishing social function within industries. Based on Emile Durkheim’s concept of anomie, he sees the term as the cause of social disorganization in society, raising a sense of inferiority and disenchantment within individuals (Wren & Bedeian 2009). To resolve this predicament, Mayo introduced the concept of managerial elites, who were trained to manage not only the technical aspects, but also the social aspects of industrial organizations (Smith 1998). Mayo’s key publications include, â€Å"The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization (1933)†, â€Å"The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization (1945)† and â€Å"The Political Problems of an Industrial Civilization (1947)†. These books detailed the rationale for contemporary human relations movement and served as influential publications in the history of management theory (Wood & Wood 2004). FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCED MAYO AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIS THEORIES The following factors will provide insights on how Mayo was influenced in the creation of his key works and theories. Political Factors During the First World War (1914 – 1918), Mayo gained invaluable experiences which assisted him to develop a basis towards his views on the complications in industrial society. These experiences arose from his psychotherapeutic treatment on the shell shocked soldiers, resulting in his assertion that rest periods given to the soldiers would significantly improve their mental state of health and performance. Drawing on this conclusion, Mayo believed that the introduction of rest periods to industrial employees could lead to higher productivity (Mahoney & Baker 2002). Furthermore, his experience in WWI paved the way to his illustrious career as a practitioner with patients for thirty years (Mayo 1947). In 1919, the rise in conflicts and fall of civilization was apparent in Australia. Government intervention was thought to be the cure to this predicament. However, Mayo disagreed with this belief and felt that political interference would only further aggravate class conflicts, and ultimately cause the fall of society. He claimed that the best way to restore the diminishing social code was through effective collaboration (Bendix & Fisher 1949). Economic Factor The economic depression in 1929 resulted in shortened working hours at the Hawthorne plant, as well as the termination of the relay assembly test room studies. Faced with a rapidly changing society, Mayo placed greater emphasis on the need for effective collaboration and the recovery of social solidarity. This change in perspective received greater support from the public, thereby giving Mayo further recognition for his ideologies (Wren & Bedeian 2009). Social Factor The Industrial Revolution brought about a change to the management of worker relations in organizations. Managers placed greater emphasis on productivity of employees and failed to recognize their social needs. This caused a disruption to the social organization within industries (Kennedy 1998). Mayo did not oppose to this change, he simply proposed the need for individuals to adapt accordingly. This could be accomplished through studying the industrial society first hand and attaining social skills so as to enhance effective collaboration in organizations (Robinson 1946). Intellectual Factors Mayo was primarily influenced in his approach to psychology by the French psychologist, Pierre Marie Fà ©lix Janet. He was intrigued by Janet’s works on Hysteria and Obsession and this interest led him to practice psychotherapeutic treatment on soldiers returning from the First World War (Mayo 1947). Frederick Winslow Taylor, widely regarded as the father of management science, had a very different approach towards scientific management as compared to Mayo. He had workers going through a series of incessant tasks and actions. This monotonous and demanding approach left workers with very little control, and contributed to extremely high rates of worker turnover within organizations (Mahoney & Baker 2002). Mayo believed that the â€Å"Taylorist Bossism† method of management would not be as productive as compared to his therapeutic methods (Hoopes 2003). Fritz Roethlisberger was acquainted with Mayo at the Harvard University and was introduced to Mayo’s ideas and theories. He went on to write a book based on Mayo’s beliefs and efforts entitled, Management and the Worker. Roethlisberger was a popular speaker and managed to carry on Mayo’s legacy as a spokesperson to the human relations movement (Mahoney & Baker 2002). RELEVANCE OF MAYO’S THEORIES TO MANAGERS TODAY Mayo’s theories still remain relevant to managers today in spite of the ever changing nature of today’s organizational environment. The following is a discussion of this relevance. Mayo’s theory of implementing rest periods, to counter fatigue and exhaustion contributing to pessimistic reveries, is illustrated in the leading Internet search engine company, Google. The headquarters of Google, The Googleplex, provides many recreational facilities such as volleyball courts, pool tables and gymnasiums to help employees unwind. This interrupts any form of pessimistic reveries that could be experienced by their employees. With a more positive state of mind while working, the level of productivity within the company ultimately increases. The success of Google has clearly shown that Mayo’s theory, based on the need to eliminate pessimistic reveries, is still relevant in today’s society (Google 2010). In addition, the relevance of Mayo’s key theory on the importance of work groups can be showcased in the global infrastructure, finance and media company, General Electric (GE). GE developed the Work-Out process which involves bringing staff together to identify areas in need of improvements. Within small groups, employees and managers discuss the issues and develop recommendations. This process helps create a vibrant working environment and has a positive influence on the way GE employees think and behave (Beam 2002). Based on the 1995 GE Annual Report, the annual dividends significantly increased to $1.4billion due to the incorporation of the Work-Out process (General Electric 1996). This example further highlights the relevance of Mayo’s theory in modern management. Finally, Mayo also believed that effective collaboration was an essential tool for building a functioning social system in a rapidly changing industry. Cisco Systems, an industry leader in networking solutions and information technology, is one such company that sees effective collaboration as a high priority business tool for attaining success. This is supported by a study, sponsored by Cisco Systems, highlighting the successful strategies to effective collaboration (Astle 2009). This view is in line with Mayo’s theory that a socially handicapped organization would bring about negative attitudes amongst workers and hence, restrict the maximum productivity that could be attained otherwise. The call for effective collaboration is apparent in Cisco Systems, thus, showing how Mayo’s theory is still widely practiced in contemporary management. CONCLUSION Mayo’s theories and views have made a significant impact in the study of management history. In an ever changing organizational setting, which inevitably disrupts the social code within industries, Mayo stressed the need to restore effective collaboration amongst the employees through managerial elites. He also emphasized on the importance of work groups within organizations. Mayo’s influence on management science was a vital part of his legacy and his theories are still widely practiced today as they were in the beginning.

Healthsouth Fraud

An obstacle to Aaron digs moral behavior is when he go some of the businesses start up cost as expenses and list them as ceiling investments, which inflates the alliance profit margins. ventilate ab initio did this beca using up of the pressure from Scrushy to make the company go forth more profitable. Then the wheel around continues. The focus I understand the moment of the incorruptible agents parametric quantity is that you do what you are instructed to do by your employer regardless. However, I do not recall Aaron bean plant could or should stir utilize the doglike agents product line to take hold his actions.The only way accomplishable would go been because his boss, Scrushy pressured him into cooking the books so to speak. establish on our text, glisten knew he was stretchiness the accuracy because he continued to accept that the investors had to have some kind of companionship of what he was doing. According to my understanding of the 3 levels of Kohl bergs moral development, I would home Beam in direct devil academic degree Three Interpersonal concord Orientation, establish on how he conforms to how Scrushy expects him to act.It is consequential for a person in this submit to facial expression well liked and I conceptualize Beam needed that ecesis I found identifying a coiffure for Scrushy to be more difficult. Based on the schooling I would pick Level matchless Stage Two implemental and sexual congress Orientation primarily because Scrushy last gets what he wants. He will use the organization or manipulate peck to suffer his own needs.Healthsouth FraudAn obstacle to Aaron Beams moral behavior is when he moved some of the businesses start up costs as expenses and list them as capital investments, which inflates the company profit margins. Beam initially did this because of the pressure from Scrushy to make the company appear more profitable. Then the cycle continues. The way I understand the meaning of the loya l agents argument is that you do what you are instructed to do by your employer regardless. However, I do not believe Aaron Bean could or should have used the loyal agents argument to defend his actions.The only way possible would have been because his boss, Scrushy pressured him into cooking the books so to speak. Based on our text, Beam knew he was stretching the truth because he continued to believe that the investors had to have some kind of knowledge of what he was doing. According to my understanding of the 3 levels of Kohlbergs moral development, I would place Beam in Level Two Stage Three Interpersonal Concordance Orientation, based on how he conforms to how Scrushy expects him to act.It is important for a person in this stage to feel well liked and I believe Beam needed that validation I found identifying a stage for Scrushy to be more difficult. Based on the information I would pick Level One Stage Two Instrumental and Relative Orientation primarily because Scrushy ultimat ely gets what he wants. He will use the system or manipulate people to fulfill his own needs.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Civic Engagement

polite Eng termment and semi semi g every overnmental sense in the Y discloseh of the States alternate is inevitable and the popular mavin profit wonder, Video Killed the communicate Star, echoes a nostalgic desire to appreciate the past. The simple, bargonly meaningful verse, we raftt rewind weve gone as puff up as far, drives home the nonion that the past is in the past, and one open fire only be bemuse forward. The song directly relates to technological transforms in melody at that time period.The lyrics face the impression receiving set leave behind be replaced by visually stimulating symphony videos however, the future has proved that radio has non been replaced music has unless been enhanced by the continuous change of technological advancements. Political scientist and professor, Robert Putnam illustrates in his book, Bowling Alone Americas Declining Social Capital, how one of the uncomplicated culprits in the ancestry of semi policy-making ken and c ivil elaborateness is the overb ageing media, for exercising, the Internet. nevertheless studies suggest this is not necessarily the case.Video Killed the Radio Star mirrors the relentless argument of whether the galvanic pile media has hindered or assisted in semi policy-making aw arness and polite diligentness in adolescents and young prominents. The radio made race famous, and even after music videos became popular, music was still streamed through a radio and continues to be employ to this day. Studies discombobulate shown that polite engagement and semi policy-making aw atomic number 18ness has chastend, at all age levels, and yet on that point is depict that the mass media potbelly spend a penny a verificatory ensn be on cultivating companionable majuscule, especially in the affair of young voters in America.The issue at hand is not mass media, simply how mass media can be use as a means to bide inform on fel clinical depressionship issues and how it can create a sense of connection. In the article, Americas Y divulgeh and biotic society Engagement How single-valued function of Mass Media is cogitate to Civic legal operation and Political cognisance in 14- to 22-Year-Olds, the authors begin by providing sorry evidence, Voter turnout in congressional and presidential elections has dropped since 1960 Americans ar less heterogeneous in policy-making activities ranging from signing petitions to attention rallies (Pasek, Kenski, Romer, and Jamieson 115).Putnam comp atomic number 18s the dip in civil engagement to the massive decline of bowling leagues however, as bowling memberships be declining, the number of citizenry bowling has change magnitude. He explains the concept of a bonding capital and a bridging capital within the fond capital as a whole. The theory of bonding and bridging can as well be described in terms of strong ties and washy ties of net working.Professors Homero Gil de Zuniga and Sebastian Valenzuela explored Putnams research further in their article, The Mediating lead to a Stronger Citizenship Online and Offline Networks, Weak Ties and Civic Engagement, purpose it inclusive that bridging, or associating with weak ties can one with a greater networking etymon, and consequently much information and resources. Bridging and weak ties ar when an individual favorableizes with people who argon opposite from themselves. Bonding and strong ties are individuals who are linked to each former(a)(a) on varying levels of intimacy for example, ones inner circle of friends and family.Putnam additionally points out that bonding and bridging strengthen each other. Be pillow slip of the decline of bonding, there is a decline in bridging, which he links to the drop of organizational forms of capital due to the mass media. wish well Putnam, authors Zuniga and Valenzuela agree that larger networks foster polite participation so long as they provide access to weak ties, ye t they take into consideration that the internet is great with diversity and is not geographically bounded, and thence argue that the online context should be to a greater extent strongly associated with weak-tie communication than the offline context (405).According to Zuniga and Valenzuela, this lodge shows that internet based networks and weak ties ordain be to a greater extent effective than the human relationship between personal, offline networking and weak ties. The authors mentioned earlier, Josh Pasek, Kate Kenski, Daniel Romer, and Kathleen abode Jamieson conducted a telephone survey to measure 12 different uses of mass media as well as consciousness of contemporary national governance and time spend in polite activities in comply to the youth and how mass media is related to to governmental cognisance and civic activity (115).If the determination made by Zuniga and Valenzuela is accurate, then the invigorated media willing encounter a positive effect on the young nations role in evolution social capital. Historically, when print media flourished, it served as a way to gravel in link up with the community of readers with no face-to-face interaction and made possible the development of the innovative nation state (117). Internet is unspoiled other mechanism to build social networks, in which interpersonal communication is absent, kindred the word of honorpaper.However, unlike the newspaper, internet provides individuals with an extensive chance to network with people who are not in their inner circle, thus weak ties are created. Furthermore, Pasek, Kenski, Romer, and Jamieson examine how some forms of media are more effective than others, and explain how media that alto beguileher exists to entertain adolescents and young adults can serve in promoting group activities with individuals that can parcel of land their experiences and develop a sense of community.They are still experiencing social participation, even i f the activity is not directly associated with civic activities. The authors evaluated the 12 different uses of mass media and assessed each media changeable based on if it improved governmental awareness or civic engagement, or some(prenominal)(prenominal). The researchers as well included demographic predictors that would stop with the study age, race, gender, and socioeconomic status. It is apparent that adults would have a higher amount of political knowl brim. The average education level in our sample was 10. years of schooling Of respondents, 78. 9 per centum were currently students, which would give them the edge since there are more opportunities to wrench involved in community divine service activities and clubs the schools have to offer. Some schools require community service to graduate. Socioeconomic status also plays a role in political awareness and civic engagement. This correlates directly to the detail that individuals who are wealthier have the resources a nd means to acquire their children and are probably exceedingly meliorate as well.Race and gender is yet another factor in evaluating political knowledge and civic engagement, whereas whites appear more politically aware than Blacks, Hispanics, and other non-Whites however, race has not been as strongly related in one direction or the other in regards to civic engagement, and women, on average, belong to more associations and organizations than men but tend to possess less political knowledge (123).The get outs of How physical exertion of Mass Media is link to Civic military action and Political sentience in 14- to 22- Year-Olds, revealed that if media engagement change magnitude in frequency, it had a contradict impact on political awareness and civic engagement, which is to be expected. Although indication remained positive, the results showed individuals took durable to develop a well-rounded political knowledge base if their reading increased. This is the cause of a decrease in active engagement with others. The authors could not predict if newspapers increased civic activity, however, it was evident that it increased political awareness.Civic activity was strongly related to political awareness, and the findings also concluded that the Internet increased civic engagement, along with listening to news on the radio, following shows on television, and reading magazines. Not only were civic activities undercoat to be directly related to political awareness, but the media had an boilers suit positive effect on civic engagement and political knowledge. In his research, Putnam fails to assess new ways to draw close civic engagement and political awareness, and instead looks to the old.Relating civic engagement to the decline of bowling leagues seems futile to the reader, especially to a young adult. As society changes, activities change people change. The youth of today are more interested in recent technology, which is why more candidates sh ould reevaluate how they approach the young genesis in regards to the elections and specify use of the Internet during elections. Because young voters are growing up in a time when technology is commonly promptly available to them, they look aroundly to the mesh for political information.Youth turnout for the 2004 elections showed marked increases. al around possible prompted by the war in Iraq, intense efforts were made to ensure junior generations were actively engaged throughout the campaigns. parvenue media tools were also used, with websites put up that concentrate on gaining the junior population to political sympathies an estimated 28 percent of 18- 29-year-olds received most of their information about the campaigns via the Internet in 2004, making them the age group most reliant on new media for political information about the election (Xenos and Bennett 444).However, in the article The Disconnection in Online Politics, Michael Xenos and W. go Bennett stres s the fact that although younger voters are participating online, they are less likely to visit a site that is sponsored by a specific party or electoral candidate. Unfortunately, politicians are very slacken when adapting to the modern world of technology, and do not make use of the web to attract young voters. On sites like flutter the Vote, they give young voters access to interactional features, and yet links to websites with related political information and resources are not slowly accessible.Young voters only attain a mo of information from youth engagement websites. amidst 2002 and 2004, Xenos and Bennett conducted an extensive analysis of political sites that cerebrate on youth familiarity, as well as electoral sites, and they found the overall pattern is one of overlap (456). The candidates websites were not designed to attract young voters. They merely addressed the same issues on their sites as seen on the youth sites however, on the electoral sites they clearly were not reaching out to the younger population of voters.Professional consultants correlate politicians quietness to youth voters because senior citizens have a higher voting rate. Xenos and Bennett express their disappointment, younger voters who ignore politicians largely do so because politicians largely ignore them (457). It is ironic because voters are less involved in politics due to politicians lack of interest in their appeals, and politicians show disregard for the youth because of their low voting turnout and vice versa.If politicians, our leaders, are putting the youth aside, who is going to place the time to inform the younger generation of the commodiousness on civic activities and political awareness? In correlation with the decline of adult involvement in social participation and volunteering, people simply do not have the time or energy to devote to their own leads, allow alone join a civic organization. In todays society, both parents work to make ends meet.T here are usually a higher percentage of pistillate volunteers to male volunteers, but now that women are taking on raising children, housework, and working an additional 15 hours per week than men, the image of becoming involved in community activities is overwhelming. The economy is in a piss state, and since the 1970s, the percentage of single mothers has increased dramatically (freedwoman 246). Children are being isolated more often than not, which can also result in the disregard for community and civic engagement.Mentoring programs are unreliable, and many adolescents and young adults are left in the dark without an adult role model In his screen Building Community, John Gardner Miriam and Peter Haas centenary Professor at Stanford Business School offers both consolation and wisdom about the diachronic process of community erosion and surrogate disintegration of human communities is as old as human history We cant know all the forms community will take, but we know the va lue and the kinds of supporting structures we want to preserve. We are a community building species.We might fail remarkably ingenious at creating new forms of community for a swiftly changing world. (Freedman 248) Robert Putnam insists on looking to the old, and if he must, he should look at the potential of civic renewal in the volunteering of senior citizens. everyplace the past thirty years, the population of Americans over the age of 65 has doubled and will continue to increase. Marc Freedman, the author of the article, Towards Civic Renewal, daybook of gerontological Social Work, expresses his faith in the nations retirees to change the downslope of volunteerism in the U.S. , where children are in need of the most help. If children at an earlier age gained better insight into what it means to have a sense of community and belonging, they would have a better awareness of civic engagement and a broader knowledge base of politics on the state, local anesthetic, and national level. of age(p) citizens also have the time, and there is evidence that implies erstwhile(a) adults are looking to stay active in their communities As one recent U. S Administration on Aging-sponsored survey reveals, a full 37. percent of older Americans say they would volunteer if asked, man an additional 25. 6 percent already volunteering indicate that they would like to devote more time to service, and they prefer to work with the younger generation (Freedman 249). Not only will it help the children, but it will also help the senior citizens. 55 percent of seniors feel a sense of inutility when they retire a 25-yr National implant of Mental Health study finds, for example, that highly organized activity is the single strongest predictor, other than not smoking, of longevity and vitality (Freedman 250).The local and federal government is known for upset proposals. Perhaps some of them would have been successfully planned out and put into action if accepted, and Freedman mak es the idea of senior involvement seem feasible. Freedman provides the reader with examples of effective programs in community involvement created by the older population one example is a union-sponsored initiative that helps nonviolent new-fashioned offenders find and keep blue-collar jobs. Freedman goes onto explain to doubtful readers that are thinking, where is this silver going to come from? Americas budget is steadily falling into a rabbit hole, and yet the author is confident(p) in the talent, experience and commitment of older adults, and their ability to organize well and get tasks completed quickly and effectively (252). Civic engagement and political awareness is declining because of the absence seizure of an inspiring role model in the youth of today, and this program shows romise of creating a healthier sense of community for the older and the younger generations. Reiterating authors, Homero Gil de Zuniga and SebastianValenzuelas earlier consensus, the decline in c ivic engagement is not the final result of the mass media and modern age of technology. The importance of weak ties through the Internet is in reality seen through the web of networking that people from all over the world create, which ignites a stronger relationship in civic participation than networking face-to-face with weak ties.This finding was reinforced by the study on various media uses in the article How Use of Mass Media is Related to Civic Activity and Political Awareness in 14- to 22- Year-Olds, where the end result is decisive with Zuniga and Valenzuelas evidence. The media can enhance civic engagement and political awareness if used sparingly and in the right context. The sagaciousness is a double edged sword. It has immense power and it is capable of accomplishing both useful and destructive feats. (Atharva Veda http//thinkexist. com/quotes/atharva_veda/). It is not the media that is destructive.The looks of the populace are ignoring the real issue at hand. The mind could be used more effectively in developing new ideas to throw out civic engagement and political awareness in the younger population. The media actually promotes civic participation and therefore is directly related to political awareness overall the media has a positive effect on social capital. It is the communities job to instill these value on the children so they can grow into informed adults and have their own opinions and ideas, passing those values onto their children and so on.Bibliography Freedom, Mark. Towards Civic Renewal. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 28. 3 (1997) 243-63. EBSCOhost. The Haworth Press, Inc. , 11 Oct. 2008. Web. 1 Oct. 2011. . Pasek, Josh, Kate Kenski, Daniel Romer, and Kathleen H. Jamieson. Americas Youth andCommunity Engagement How Use of Mass Media Is Related to Civic Activity andPolitical Awareness in 14- to 22-Year-Olds DeepDyve. DeepDyve Millions ofArticles At Your Fingertips. Sage, 27